Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fishing At Serusop

"Sabas, ko sure betulkah tempat ni ada Manta Ray?" "Astaga Mesh, ko tidak percaya saya?" kata Sabas dengan penuh keyakinan. Disinilah dulu saya kena colek bapa Manta Ray bernama si Ungah.

So ok.. as if tidak cukup hitam lepas gi Sipadan, si PS ajak gi memancing pulak. Paling lama lah saya memancing (menunggu kehadiran ikan) adalah 15 minit. So this time, saya mau pecahkan rekod. Selepas berjam-jam menunggu.... cuma PS dan mesh dapat tangkap ikan. Aduh..


Anonymous said...

LoL... yabah.... ikan si ps juga paling besar!!! sioknya :P

mummy cici said...

ikan bakar..

Pelangi said...

ha ha ha well nasib perempuan ba tu he he he he

Anonymous said...

napa tiada org post ikan si PS ni haha


oh ya oh... mana tu gambar?

Tennis Quote From My Favourite Player

" I think about that sometimes - learning to play in a parking lot, stringing nets between cars. I learned to play by hitting against a brick wall, not a ball machine or other players. And my Father was my coach - teaching me from a twenty year-old book. When I hear people say that you can't make it in tennis if you don't have a lot of money, I know they're wrong. We didn't have much money. But I loved the sport and that was enough." - Monica Seles -

In Bed With Rex

In Bed With Rex
Hmm..daddys bed is so much better than mine..!

Hey Rex

Hey Rex
Aww..he was 3 months then..

Rex & Bobbi

Rex & Bobbi
Playtime..I like this caviar taste tennis ball..yumm.. Not. Goku stop scratching Rex's butt!

My Idols

My Idols
Whitney, Luther, Kylie & Monica

Just junior

Just junior
Me, Myself & I

The Doggies

The Doggies
Rex, Bobbi & Sisqo