Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Resolution

So what's a Resolution?
1) The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2) A resolving to do something.
3) A course of action determined or decided on.

I have made many of these stuffs back when I younger but nowadays, the last 3 years of my life I have decided not to have any, so to speak. 2009..I intend to live the best of my life! Believe it or not I decided to move out of my 'shell'. Things like, how I wanted to look good and look fitter and camera perfect. I wanted to update my handphone, buying a new one each year. To be in the limelight. To be seen intelligent. That was before. Now I just want to be healthy, to eat well, sleep well, detox myself when I can. I thank and appreciate GOD for giving me this body, the body that had withstand pain, hunger, fatigue, overeating, overdrinking, constant abuses etc. This body is mine and it has not failed me and I praise my body for having to bear with my overzealous needs in life.

2009, will be the year where I no longer have the need to look 'beautiful' for people to see, to look photo perfect... I just want to look healthy, be healthy, now. I recently cropped my hair and Mesh asked, 'why did you do it?' I'm somewhat more realistic & being practical, I think. It's so much easier to maintain it now. When we spend so much time getting made up for work, I believe it does resonate in our personality at the end of the day. I try not to make it as a religion. To me true religion is really living life; living with all your love, life & soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. Sound fulfilling to me. Maybe no to some.

So, I'm not going to waste time on worrying about how I look like anymore. I look just fine. I'm not going to worry so much on getting a big fat belly. If I manage my food and enjoy my activities,..then I am fine. I'm not going to worry if my loved ones are giving me the right kind of love, the quality that it is expected by society.. as long as I give them mine,..then I am fine. If I spend enough time for those I love, things I cherish,..then I'm fine. Because time is but a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.

Happy New Year all & have a wonderful time enjoying it...now that's my resolution!


Evelyn Laiyap said...

Happy New Year 2009!!!

allyhanafi said...

junio.. visit my blog.. http://djdiddy.blogspot.com

Tennis Quote From My Favourite Player

" I think about that sometimes - learning to play in a parking lot, stringing nets between cars. I learned to play by hitting against a brick wall, not a ball machine or other players. And my Father was my coach - teaching me from a twenty year-old book. When I hear people say that you can't make it in tennis if you don't have a lot of money, I know they're wrong. We didn't have much money. But I loved the sport and that was enough." - Monica Seles -

In Bed With Rex

In Bed With Rex
Hmm..daddys bed is so much better than mine..!

Hey Rex

Hey Rex
Aww..he was 3 months then..

Rex & Bobbi

Rex & Bobbi
Playtime..I like this caviar taste tennis ball..yumm.. Not. Goku stop scratching Rex's butt!

My Idols

My Idols
Whitney, Luther, Kylie & Monica

Just junior

Just junior
Me, Myself & I

The Doggies

The Doggies
Rex, Bobbi & Sisqo