A lot of my photos when I was younger were damaged by the 1999 flood. Too bad. Otherwise I have a lot of baby pics to show you all...comel bah saya dulu. Sekarang..adui..nda comel sudah..
Me, when I was around 4 months old..
5 months I think...hmm. I'm the one with more hair (left).
2 year old at my uncle's house.
4 years old..at my old kampung house.
Ring bearer for my cousin June's wedding. I was 6 years old.
Form 3..aduh hitam nye..
16 years old..still hitam and kurus!
After form five..lepak at Sabah Flying Club. Friends from left Jonathan (Le Face Pub), Me, Danny, Andrew (Atama) & Jeffrey.
UITM. I was 19 years old. Diploma in Science. Me & Aziah Jasmine.
1993, I studied in Liverpool John Moores University. Holiday makan angin in London.
I worked in Brunei in 1997 - 1999, Riverview Hotel.
My birthday at BED Club, KK. 2001.
Japan 2002.
Backpacking in Sydney 2003.
Very Hot & dry India 2004.
Seoul, Korea. 2005.
Mabuhay Manila, 2005.
Accident. Dislocated collarbone. 28 stitches and 2 titanium rods. Operation at SMC. 3 hours operation in April 2007.
Patah bahu less than one month, terus go to Hong Kong..I was in pain the whole trip..May 2007.
Me & Mickey at HK Disneyland. 2007.
Chiefs Beat Bills In AFC Championship To Reach Super Bowl
The Kansas City Chiefs are going back to the Super Bowl after beating the
Buffalo Bills in the AFC Championship Game ... meaning Taylor Swift's
glad-- and ...
1 hour ago
alamk Jr..
terus kama sa terpikat ni..wkakaka
tmabh comel bh kenen bila suda bsar kn..heheheheheh
mcm michael jckson plak kokn..
bila sd bsar trus tukar kulit..
tpi paling mnarik style hair ko..
zaman² duitm..hehheheheh
duii naaa...kasian sy nampak yg 2007 accident tu...mari gapus2 lukss.....
kurus tul time ko muda2..nda encom..encom lagi skrg...tu la si doth tu jatuh ati..jaga ko doth...sy marah ni..
wahh mmg cumil banget ko dulu2...esp time remaja, betul2 nda ble kenal ni hehe..
Ahem, the older you get, the better you look! Nah, kopi?
salahka haku??wakakakaka
kalu TERjatuh ..wakak
kaC chance² bh...
2la kn qhris..
ndak ku knal mula²
kalu teda caption..mencari² jg kali..
jajal ba ni urg ni tau sudah sakit masi gak mau p HK hehehhe... anyway sa sangat RESPECT urg yg tabah, kesakitan bukan halangan utk buat benda yg kita suka ba kan lain la kalau yg langsung inda buli bangun he he he...
Masa kici2 suda kiut, masa remaja ada kurengg sikit tapi bila semakin tua makin hencheeemmmm. Nasib sia suda bepunya kalu tidak mau juga da sia cuba nasib kkkkkkk
hahahaa... masa baby lah sy sgt perasan sekali. Sy rasa sy paling comel di Sabah waktu.. saingan sy paling dekat c Mesh & Nel sy barangkali. Waktu teenager,..mcmpilak habis..bida hitam,nda pandai bergaya langsung. hahahaaa...
Thanks Nika...hehhee...nanti kita jumpa jgk tu..
PS..ko nda tau sy mkn painkiller ja waktu di HK. Sakit sampai ke tulang belakang... Gatalkan mo g HK..
Esther,..hhehhee..mari g Cock & Bull,sy balanja ni..Tks
pok, bagus lagi ko ada lagi pics masa dulu2, sa mana ada...sa nda tau sa comel ka nda masa kici, tapi bilang org...Comel la juga kenen..wakakakakakakaka....turus teenagers, sa nda mau tingu pun ow muka sa....libih kurang ngam2 ja kita punya keitaman tu po...sip lagi skg ada fair and lovely sudah kan..huahuahuahua
Pendapat sy pula si jr time baby kiut tpi di pertengaha aduh betu2 lain n mcm pilak ahahhaha...tpi skrg wow HANs Isaac sdh ehhehe...Mesh skrg pun ko hitam bah....lagigitu dulu2 ko lagi hitam la tu ...oppssss LARIIII
Mesh,..sy rasa misti pakai bleach sudah untuk memutihkan kulit. Tapi tgk gambar ko dulu di UITM,mmg ko dulu galap gelita ..hahhaha..pls continue gunakan Fair & Lovely..
fuyoh tu gambar.. tapi yg paling bikin katawa.. waktu teenager ko.. brabis ni sia tahan di sini.. wakakakkakakaka .. bah jan marah.. nnt cepat tua.. tapi.. ko lagi tua lagi encem bah.. hehehehe
saingan sy paling dekat c Mesh & Nel sy barangkali <---- jr...nasib sy malas upload gambar baby sy..klu nda..ko ma mesh kalah tu...wakakakaa..
hebat2 perjalanan hidup ko kan junior? :)
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